The aim of the programme is to provide professional development of the candidate, experience in problem definition, hypothesis formulation and testing, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation as well as project presentation.
Full Time – International
2 Years
Master of Science (Research) has received full accreditation from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) – MQA/FA0084
Basic Qualifications
Mathematics | Fuzzy Mathematics |
Statistics | Statistical Modelling Biostatistics Medical Statistics Probability and Statistics Fuzzy Statistics Stochastic Modelling Quality Control Non-Parametric Analysis Design of Experiment Multivariate Analysis Machine Learning Data Mining Neural Network Analysis Big Data Data Science Operational Research and Optimization |
Physics | Material Science Surface Science Nanotechnology Health Physics Renewable Energy Laser Physics Computational Physics Fiber Optics Environmental Physics Optoelectronics Instrumentation Physics Semiconductor Physics Radiation Technology Biosensors |
Biology | Botany Zoology Nature Tourism Entomology Herbal Science Genetics (Animal & Plant) Ecophysiology Plant Physiology Conservation of Natural Resources Protected Area Management Environmental Management Ecology (Plant, Animal, Insect) Conservation Biology Marine Biology Terrestrial Ecology Ecological Dynamics Traditional Knowledge Taxonomy (Plant, Animal) Freshwater Ecology |
Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Materials Chemistry Organic Chemistry Advanced Materials Surface Chemistry and Catalysis Biomaterial Technology Environmental/ Green Technology Industrial Biotechnology Membrane Technology Polymer Technology Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology |
Applied Sciences and Technology | Food Technology Food Science Functional Food and Nutraceutical Nutrition Food Safety and Quality Food Innovation and Product Development Food Processing Food Engineering Food Chemistry Food Biochemistry Food Biotechnology Food Microbiology Natural Product Chemistry Ethnobotany Museumology Halal Food Food Packaging |